Moisa (Muse), tell me the deeds of golden Aphrodite
who stirs up sweet passion in the gods
and subdues the tribes of mortal men and birds that fly in air
and all the many creatures that the dry land rears,
and all the sea: all these love the deeds of rich-crowned Kythereia.
who stirs up sweet passion in the gods
and subdues the tribes of mortal men and birds that fly in air
and all the many creatures that the dry land rears,
and all the sea: all these love the deeds of rich-crowned Kythereia.
Throughout the ages,
stories with certain basic themes
have recurred over and over,
in widely disparate cultures;
emerging like the goddess Venus
from the sea of our unconscious.
Joan D. Vinge
stories with certain basic themes
have recurred over and over,
in widely disparate cultures;
emerging like the goddess Venus
from the sea of our unconscious.
Joan D. Vinge
Art! Who comprehends her?
With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess?
Ludwig van Beethoven
With whom can one consult concerning this great goddess?
Ludwig van Beethoven
All thoughts, all passions, all delights
Whatever stirs this mortal frame
All are but ministers of Love
And feed his sacred flame.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Whatever stirs this mortal frame
All are but ministers of Love
And feed his sacred flame.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Unlike the Earth, there are no craters left behind by meteorites, and Venus has no moons or satellites. Venus has no oceans, water, ice, or water vapor, either on its surface or in its atmosphere. Instead, Venus is covered by a very thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide and sulfuric acid. Its thick atmosphere produces a powerful greenhouse effect, causing the temperature to rise to 740 degrees. Many astrophysicists believe that water did exist on Venus at one time, but that it was boiled away by the greenhouse effect.
Venus is the third brightest object in
the sky; only the Sun and the Moon are brighter. Because of its brightness, it
is believed that Venus has been observed since prehistoric times. Venus rotates
very slowly on its axis. It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to make one complete
rotation on its axis. Venus revolves around the Sun slightly faster than it
rotates on its axis. In other words, a day on Venus lasts longer than one
Venetian year. Venus also rotates backwards or retrogrades when compared to the
Earth and the other planets in our solar system.
The planet Venus appears to have been
referred to as a goddess of femininity by all ancient cultures. The Babylonians
referred to Venus as Ishtar, and the Greeks identified Venus with Aphrodite,
the goddess of love and beauty. Venus is named for the Roman goddess who ruled
love, beauty, and women.
Like Mercury, Venus was sometimes given
two names. When Venus rose before the Sun as the Morning star, it was referred
to has Eophorus or Lucifer (light barer). When Venus set after the Sun as the
Evening star, it was referred to as Hesperus. Also like Mercury, by the time of
the ancient Greeks, it was well established that Lucifer and Hesperus were the
same planet.
The glyph of Venus is consists of the
circle of Spirit sitting on top of the cross of Matter. The interpretation of
this glyph is that Spirit has conquered Matter, and, therefore, Spirit is able
to manipulate Matter, causing Matter to be a perfect or near perfect reflection
of the beauty of Spirit.
The glyph is also said to represent a
hand mirror. The mirror allows one to see her or his reflection and improve on
her or his appearance. The glyph is also referred to as the mirror of Isis, the
Egyptian goddess of beauty, femininity, magic, and creativity.
Venus represents the establishment of
meaning, values, and ideals as well as the urges to attract what is thought to
be desirable and to unit with another individual. Venus symbolizes aesthetic
sensibilities, affection, art, beauty, compassion, creativity, desire,
femininity, finances, harmony, ideals, love, marriage, money, partnerships,
pleasure, relational sensibilities, the urge to share, values, valuable
objects, and women.
Venus traditionally rules the signs of
Taurus and Libra and the second and seventh Houses. Taurus and/or the second
house represent the side of Venus that appreciates natural beauty, earthy or
materialistic values, sensuality, and simple, uncomplicated love, lust, and
desire. Libra and the seventh house represent the side of Venus that
appreciates man-made beauty, the fi ne arts, justice, and most human
relationships including friends, colleagues, business partners, companions,
lovers, and marital partners.
Venus is exalted in Pisces and the
twelfth house, where individualized forms of love and desire expand into
universal compassion. However, if Venus is afflicted, or temporarily afflicted
by progressions, directions, or transits, developing compassion may come only
after painful experiences in love and relationships. An exalted Venus in one’s
chart may signify reaching out to others who are suffering in some way, to
sainthood, and/or to low self-esteem expressed in sexual promiscuity or
Venus is in its fall in Virgo and the sixth house, where values,
desires, loves, and relationships may lose their wholesomeness if overly
subjected to inspection, analysis, criticism, perfectionism, discrimination,
and obsessive-compulsive tendencies. However, such analytic tendencies may also
lead to understanding, improvement, and wiser choices.
Venus is in detriment, or weak, in
Scorpio and Aries, and in the first and eighth Houses. In Scorpio and the
eighth house, Venus symbolizes secret relationships, pent-up feelings, secret
feelings, hurt, resentment, jealousy, fear of love or relationships, and
difficulty setting aside an “I” or “me” attitude in favor of a “we” or “us”
In Aries Venus often symbolizes a naive,
aggressive, impulsive, or selfish approach to love, lovers, and valuables. In
the first house, Venus may symbolize the qualities of Venus in Aries—a
conceited attitude, or the use of love as a means for self-aggrandizement.
However, many people with Venus in the first house (depends on the entire
chart) can also symbolize an attractive personality, charm, and a strong
ability to express love.
Venus’s corresponding metal is usually
considered to be copper. Some astrologers refer to it as brass. Venus rules
First and foremost, Venus symbolizes
one’s value or desire center, whatever one wants to attract. It describes what
one appreciates, cherishes, and idealizes. Venus symbolizes what holds
positive, inner meaning. Its house position describes what one values or
enjoys. Its sign position describes how one attracts what one desires as well
as one’s approach to love and loving. It also tends to modify or particularize
the objects of desire, enjoyment, and value described by the house placement.
Aspects and other astrological indicators symbolize the ease, difficulties,
talents, abilities, challenges, and successes one experiences in the search for
what one desires.
Venus is also the center of personal
relationships. It describes the most natural way one relates to others and
maintains personal relationships. It describes the nature of one’s
interpersonal relationships, especially relationships with close friends,
partners, lovers, spouses, and women in general. The sign position of Venus
often indicates the qualities one admires most in other people. Venus also
describes most significant women in one’s life.
By progressions, directions, and
transits, Venus describes one’s growing ability to attract love, relationships,
valuables, and money. They also describe one’s ability to transform desires
through each stage of life. Progressed, directed, or transiting aspects
to Venus (natal or otherwise) also describe changes, challenges, losses,
successes, and transformations in one’s values, finances, and relationships.
Venus and the Sun
Like Mercury, the orbit of Venus lies
between the Earth and the Sun. Therefore, from the Earth’s perspective, Venus
never appears to be far from the Sun. Venus is never found more than 46 degrees
from the Sun. In other words, Venus is never more than two zodiac signs ahead
of or behind the Sun. Its proximity to the Sun suggests that one’s desires and
values (Venus) are closely connected to the inner, spiritual Self (the Sun),
and to the goals and purposes of the soul. Venus conveys the desires, values,
feelings, and affections of the Self to the outer world.
When Venus and the Sun
are found in the same sign, the person’s values strongly reflect the purposes
of the inner Self. Unless otherwise indicated, such a person would experience
great difficulty hiding his or her feelings or being dishonest in
When Venus and the Sun are found in
different signs, the individual’s values and desires and his or her manner of
expressing affection conflict with the purposes of inner Self. In some ways,
when Venus and the Sun are in different signs, the individual’s inner life is
more complex and colorful. A difference in signs allows the individual to make
choices regarding how, when, and if he or she relates emotionally. Such a
difference in signs also allows the individual to think before he or she
However, the differences also suggest
that the individual may feel that he or she can never express exactly how he or
she really feels. He or she may feel alienated and that no one really
understands him or her. Much depends on the aspects between Venus and the Sun
as well as the signs, houses, and the chart as a whole.
Whether or not Venus rises before the
Sun is another type of Sun-Venus combination often worth interpreting. If Venus
rises ahead of the Sun, the intuitive or feeling nature or function of the
individual is quickened. He or she is very sensitive to others’ attitudes and,
if need be, is quick to adapt to new social situations.
If the Sun rises ahead of Venus, the
feeling nature may be well disciplined and conservative. Such an individual may
appear to be shy or detached. He or she is quietly gathering clues about
another’s emotional or psychological state. Later, when time permits, he or she
assembles the details and then formulates a conclusion concerning the other’s
emotional state and whether or not it is safe to reveal his or her true
Venus Retrograde
A retrograde Venus at birth symbolizes
that the individual is using this lifetime either to re-evaluate his or her
values and desires, to transform the way or manner he or she attracts what he
or she wants, and/or to develop a different approach to interpersonal or
romantic relationships. The values, desires, and affections may be turned
inward, away from ordinary social stimuli and conventions. The individual may
appear to be withdrawn, introverted, or limited in communicating affection.
purposes behind this inward turn may be to seek out new values, new ways of
being, new ways of relating, and/or new ways of expressing love and affection.
The individual may be attempting to develop self-love, experience person
harmony, or demonstrate new values. It is most likely that he or she will be
working on all these areas at one time or another.
In re-evaluating his or her values and
desires, early experiences will lead the individual to reject values and
desires that worked in prior lifetimes. He or she may have been born into a
family and a culture or setting that still upholds the past life values. The
individual will be critical of the values of those around him or her, and he or
she is most likely to be perceived as part of a counter-culture.
A person born with Venus retrograde, or
someone whose progressed Venus has turned retrograde, may appear to be strange,
peculiar, and detached. The manner in which he or she attempts to attract
people, relationships, romance, and wealth will appear to be self-defeating. He
or she may have to change his or her personality style or persona as well as
social groups many times before any degree of success is achieved. He or she
may appear to be conceited, narcissistic, or selfish. Venus retrograde may
symbolize that the individual has much to learn about other people. Sometimes
the individual may forego intimate relationships altogether in order to develop
some other aspect of his or her life.
Whether or not Venus is retrograde at birth,
it will change directions, signs, houses, and aspects several times during the
lives of most people. These changes indicate the timing of powerful, personal
challenges, opportunities, and abilities regarding the individual’s desires,
values, wealth, and relationships.
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