The Planets
The Lights of Consciousness
The Lights of Consciousness
When the Moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
Gerome Ragni/James Rado/Galt MacDermot
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
Gerome Ragni/James Rado/Galt MacDermot
And I’ll look back on Venus
I’ll look back on Mars
And I’ll burn with the fire of ten million stars
Michael Gore
I’ll look back on Mars
And I’ll burn with the fire of ten million stars
Michael Gore
The heavens themselves, the planets and this centre
Observe degree, priority and place.
William Shakespeare
Observe degree, priority and place.
William Shakespeare
According to the laws of Hermeticism,
what happens in the macrocosm, which in this case is our solar system, also
happens in the microcosm, which is the life of each human being. The planets
and other astrological bodies and points represent specific biological,
psychological, social, and spiritual functions common to all human beings. Each
represents a specific part of the whole human being and his or her life on
Earth. The exact nature and strength of these functions or forces vary from one
human being to the next. These variations are symbolized by the unique birth
chart of each person.
Fixed Stars
When ancient civilizations began charting
the lights in the heavens, they first noticed that most of lights in the sky
remained in fixed positions and maintained their relative distances from one
another. That is, most of the lights moved as a whole, maintaining their
distances from one another.
This canopy of lights or stars moved, as
one big whole, a little each day. After approximately one year they were back
where they started, still maintaining their same positions and distances from
one another. This group of stars came to be referred to as the fixed stars because
their relative distances from one another remained fixed or immovable.
The Planets
However, there were seven stars, though
not always visible, that moved across the sky at various speeds. Five of these
stars moved backwards one or more times a year. These seven stars were referred
to as the wandering stars or the wanderers. The early Greek word
for wandering or wanderer was the word planet. The
original usage of the word planet meant that a particular light in the
sky moved independently of the canopy of fixed stars. The seven wandering stars
were called planets, and they included what we now call the Sun, the Moon,
Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Today we reserve the term planet to
a satellite of a star. For example, the Earth and Mars are satellites of the
Sun and are therefore referred to as planets.
Today most astrologers interpret the
significance of the original seven planets (the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus,
Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn) as well as Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Chiron. Some
astrologers also interpret Ceres, Pallas, Juno, and Vesta (some of the larger
asteroids or planetoids). A few astrologers include the hypothetical planets of
Transpluto, Lilith, and the Uranian planets. Most astrologers also interpret
non-planetary points such as the Ascendant, Midheaven, other house cusps, the
Part of Fortune, other parts, and the North and South Lunar Nodes. A few
interpret the Vertex, the Equatorial Ascendant, some of the fixed stars, and
the north and south planetary nodes.
The significance of the planets and
points is determined by their locations in reference to the Earth’s cycle
(signs), their locations in reference to the Earth’s horizon (houses), their
similarities or dissimilarities to the signs and houses (rulerships), their
angular relationships to one another (aspects), major aspect patterns and
spatial relationships (standouts, etc.), the centers of the angular distances
between them (midpoints), and their relationships within their own cycles
The Lights
The seven planets were divided into two
groups based on their apparent brightness. The Sun and Moon were referred to as
the lights. The Sun and Moon held a special significance for living
conditions on Earth. The Sun seemed to provide most of the light, heat, and
energy needed by life on Earth. The Moon seemed to govern the tides and other
natural phenomena. Out of the seven stars, the Sun and Moon were the only two
that did not change direction and move backwards. Today astronomers do not usually
group the Sun and Moon together since we know that the Sun is a star and the
Moon is the Earth’s satellite. The Moon’s light is merely a reflection of the
Sun’s light. However, the Sun and Moon remain the two most influential
celestial bodies in regards to conditions on Earth, and they are considered to
represent the two most important influences in astrology.
Planetary Speeds
Each astrological body moves through the
zodiac at its own unique speed and in its own characteristic style. The
uniqueness of their orbits contributes to their astrological meanings and
symbolism. The Moon, as the archetype of adaptation to change, runs through all
twelve signs in approximately 28 days. The Sun, of course, takes one year to
complete its transit of the signs. Mercury and Venus, whose orbits lie between
the Sun and the Earth’s orbit, display variable speeds and changing courses;
but, in the end, their tours of the zodiac average out to one year each.
Beyond the Earth lie the orbits of the
outer planets—Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. The orbits of
the asteroids, centaurs, trojans, dwarf or minor planets, comets, and meteors
crisscross the paths of the outer planets and reach the extreme outer edges of
our solar system. Due to their incredibly large orbits, these outer bodies take
more than a year, and in most cases, from several years to several hundred to
complete one revolution through the zodiac.
For example, Mars orbits the Sun in 687
days (1.8808 Years), Jupiter takes 11.9 years, and Saturn takes 29.5 years. At
these speeds the transits of the outer planets through the signs may last from
two months to 50 years or more. Therefore, an outer planet’s stay in a sign or
house may not vary significantly over the course of one year. Most of these influence
a particular sign or house for many years or even decades. However, the slower
the planet, the more we attribute meaning and significance to its transits and
The Chaldean Order
The order of visible planets as held to
have been proposed by the ancient Chaldean astronomers: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars,
Sun, Venus, Mercury, and Moon. This reflects their position in the Celestial
Planetary Spheres (Saturn in the outermost and the Moon in the innermost). From
a modern perspective, the order expresses the relative speed of the planets,
from slowest to fastest.
The Circle of the Day
Each day is divided into twenty-four
subdivisions we now call hours. Using the original Chaldean stars or planets,
the days of the week were named after the planet that ruled the first hour or
subdivision of that day. The planet that rules the first hour of the day is
also the ruler of the whole day and gives the day its name. That is, the Sun rules
the first subdivision of Sun, the Moon rules the first subdivision of Monday,
Mars rules the first subdivision of Tuesday (Tiw – Old English for the
corresponding North god Tyr), Jupiter rules the first subdivision of Wednesday
(Weden – Old English for the Anglo-Saxon god Woden), etc.
According to esoteric astrology, the
days of the week received their names by dividing the days into either four
quarters or three thirds. The quarters method uses the order of the mean
motions of the planets as observed from Earth, beginning with the fastest, i.e.
the Moon. The thirds method uses the order of mean motions beginning with the
slowest, i.e., Saturn. The names of the days of the week can also be found by
using a septagon or seven-pointed star and the Chaldean order of the
Dynamic Stellar Structures Found in Esoteric Psychology
According to C. C. Zain (Elbert
Benjamine) (1882 – 1951), the founder of the Church of Light, believed that
many of the stellar-cells of the astral
body were conditioned by our desires.1 Over time, similar
stellar-cells became organized into one of ten families of dynamic stellar structures, existing in the astral bodies of all
humans. Zain referred to these ten stellar structures as the power urges, the domestic elements, the intellectual
elements, the social elements,
the aggressive elements, the religious elements, safety elements, individualistic
elements, utopian elements, and universal welfare elements.
Using a modified version of the Chaldean
order, Zain assigned a planet to each of the ten dynamic stellar structures. He
assigned the power urges to the Sun and the domestic elements to the Moon. He
assigned the intellectual elements to Mercury, the social elements to Venus,
the aggressive elements to Mars, the religious elements to Jupiter, the safety
elements to Saturn, the individualistic elements to Uranus, the utopian
elements to Neptune, and the universal welfare elements to Pluto.
Zain described the power urges as the oldest of all desires. They are the
desires to survive, to be something unique, and to be something significant.
The family of power urges is the driving
force behind every soul, which impels it to struggle on, over striving, even
though blindly, to fulfill the destiny mapped for it by its ego.2
The dynamic stellar structure in the astral body that is composed of these Power-elements is mapped in the birth-chart by the
Sun. Zain believed that the power urges were the evolutionary source of all the thought-elements, just it is held by
some that the Sun is the parent of the various planets.3
Zain described the domestic elements
largely in terms of nutrition. By means
of nutrition, one’s well-being is maintained. Nutrition in the forms of a home
for the offspring, food for them, and ministering to their various needs
continues the preservation of the species. The dynamic stellar structure in the
astral body that is composed of these domestic elements is mapped in the
birth-chart by the Moon.4
Survival depends on ready and adequate adaptation, and intelligence is
the greatest aid to such adaptation. It is no less valuable in procuring a
mate, and in insuring that the offspring shall be properly provided
for. It is through experiences in the exercise of intelligence, both to
preserve the self and to preserve the species, which those mental elements were
built into the astral body call intellectual elements. The dynamic stellar
structure in the astral body the though-cells of which are chiefly composed of
these Intellectual elements is mapped in the birth-chart by the planet Mercury.5
In regards to the social elements, Zain
stated that: Creatures that band together
often are more secure from their enemies that those that live solitary
lives. And it is the rule that Race Preservation requires the members of
opposite sexes to mingle. Such experiences when they enter the astral form
become those mental elements know as Social. The dynamic stellar structures in
the astral body the thought-cells of which are chiefly composed of these Social
elements is mapped in the birth-chart by the planet Venus.6
Zain described the aggressive elements
as: Self-Preservation is aided by the
ability to repel invasion, to destroy the enemy, and to use initiative in the
attack on obstacles. The ability to defeat an opponent in the struggle to
secure a mate, the courage to battle for the welfare of the offspring, and the
initiative to face difficulties for the sake of the progeny, all are aids to
Race Preservation. It is through such experiences in combat, in
construction and destruction, and in the courageous attack upon obstacles that
those mental elements were built into the astral body called
Aggressive. The dynamic stellar structure in the astral body the
thought-cells of which are chiefly composed of these Aggressive elements is
mapped in the birth-chart by the planet Mars.7
In regards to the religious elements: It is through experiences with such faith
and such good fellowship, and the effort to seek the favor of others and of the
ruling authority, that those mental elements were built into the astral body
called Religious. The dynamic stellar structure in the astral body the
thought-cells of which are chiefly composed of these Religious elements is
mapped in the birth-chart by the planet Jupiter.8
The safety elements: The ability to escape from enemies, to avoid
harmful conditions, and to provide for security is and essential if the
individual is to survive. Providing security for the young is a necessary asset
to Race Preservation. And it is through experiences which have sought the
escape from danger and the attainment of security that those mental elements
were built into the astral body called Safety. The dynamic stellar structure in
the astral body the thought-cells of which are chiefly composed of these Safety
elements is mapped in the birth-chart by the planet Saturn.9
The individualistic elements: This departure from the common methods of
the race thus lends itself to Self Preservation. Not only is it valuable to
invent better ways of doing things for the self, but the development of better
ways of caring for the young, and better ways of handling conditions that
affect their welfare assist in Race Preservation. It is through such
experiences, in which the individual departed from customary practices and had
acted differently from the other members of his race that those mental elements
were built into the astral body called Individualistic. The dynamic stellar
structure in the astral body the thought-cells of which are chiefly composed of
these Individualistic elements is mapped in the birth-chart by the planet
The utopian elements: Such forerunners of that which we call
ideals assist Self Preservation through the instinctive search for more
pleasant relationships. And they aid Race Preservation through the success, in
some measure, of the individual in realizing these finer relationships, and
leading others of his kind into similar realizations. It is through such
experiences, largely filtering through from the inner plane, in which there has
been an effort to externalize the yearning for a higher kind of life that those
mental elements were built into the astral body called Utopian. The dynamic
stellar structure in the astral body the thought-cells of which are chiefly
composed of these Utopian elements is mapped in the birth-chart by the planet
The universal welfare elements: Co-operation between the individuals of a
species helps all to survive and thus assists Self Preservation. And as that
which gives advantages to all, helps the young as well as the adults,
co-operation is an aid to Race Preservation. It is through experiences in which
co-operation of some kind has been practiced that those mental elements were
built into the astral body called Universal Welfare Urges. The dynamic stellar
structure in the astral body the thought-cells of which are chiefly composed of
these Universal Welfare elements is mapped in the birth-chart by the planet
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